Thursday 25 July 2013

Top 21 SEO Tips and Tricks to Follow in 2013

Google says on the record, “Don’t write for Search Engines, Write for your readers/audience/users.” While this may sound ridiculous, there are lots of reasons to follow the advice. More often, beginner falls in the trap & often gets confused where to start from. Don’t sound to be harsh, but do not always listen to almighty Google.

They (bloggers & web entrepreneurs) are mere little creatures & they must write for our readers/users while keeping search engine behavior at the corner of our brain! Producing great content that reader’s love is something not everyone’s cup of team. So how would you start your venture in 2013? What are the best SEO practices that you ought to follow? Without further ado, let me present you top twenty SEO Tips for 2013.

Excellent SEO Tips to Follow in 2013
I have used an adjective here - Special. These tips are special not because they are something that you have never heard of, but they are special as you have not understood these basic ones effectively!

Keyword Analysis inclusive of Competition Analysis

1. Determine Strategy for Keywords

This must be your first and foremost step. You ought to be clear together with your goals that what keywords you require to play around with. This relies on what you require to gain by your online presence and venture. The query in the earlier sentence can be answered with information regarding your target audience.

It may look like a flow chart or catch 22 for you, don’t worry, you are right and it is so. They have solutions for it. You can use sure keyword tools like,, and In order to get complete market scenario you must look at your competitor’s net site. You can enter that website’s URL to any of the mentioned tools and get an estimation of competition.

2. List The Potential Keywords

You have now, different results from different tools as all of them use different methodology. You can collaborate all the results depending on your common analytical sense & list out 50-100 potential keywords. Generate an MS Excel sheet for these Keywords.

3. Check Competition of Keywords
Keyword competition is something most newbie’s/expert ignore. While sorting out bunch of keywords from Google ad word keywords tool is the first step to follow, people often forget that the checking Keyword competition is equally important. There are plenty of tools available out there, but we recommend trying out tools like Traffictravis first.
Later, you can go for the premium tools like SEOMoz keyword difficulty and SERPIQ keyword competition analysis tool. Both the tools deliver the great result and cut down considerable work required in doing competition analysis as well as keyword competition analysis.

On Page SEO Tips

Use a content management service such as WordPress, Blogger or Drupal and optimize your HTML tags with the keywords. Make sure you also maintain text to HTML ratio. Always try to keep the ratio high so that Google can understand your content better.

5. Title
Keep the character count under 70 and preferably under 66. Use various plugins available for various content management platforms for SEO. The WordPress beginners should start with Word Press SEO plugin by Yoast to make on page SEO as much better as they can. There are also many third-party paid options available in the market, but we do not recommend using them.

6. Meta Tags & Description
Your keyword must be there in your Meta tag and description. Your Meta description must be in the vicinity of 157 characters. This is most important as Search Engines read Meta description for understanding the post content.

7. URL and/or Permalinks
Your page URL must contain your key word or keyword phrase. If it is a phrase, words must be separated by hyphens. Use some plug-in to remove stop words from the URL/permalinks. It’s always good to minimize the use of STOP word in the permalink

8. First Paragraph
While this is not necessary a big factor in ranking, try to include important keyword in first paragraph, so Google can clearly understand what the topic is about. While there is no hard and fast rule, make sure you include primary keyword within first few words of the article.

9. Content Length
As per Guidelines provide by Google, the length of your content must be more than 300 words. We advise you to write content with word count above 500 words. (It will help to protect you from “Animal Hit”). However, we recommend to go over 600-700 mark whenever possible. Instead of writing a simple post without proper information, you should focus your energy to provide quality content with necessary bullet point and images to back-up what you say.

10. Content Quality
Your content must be unique. Thinly copied contents are also getting Panda Hit nowadays so stay away from copy and plagiarism. Make sure you follow proper internal linking strategy without over optimizing anchor text.

11. Keyword Density
Keyword density must be between 2-4%. It means your keyword must not be repeated more than twice or thrice in each 100 words block so if your are writing a 500 words post your keyword count must not exceed 10-15 repetitions. If it does, then Google will count it as over optimization.

12. Image Optimization
Optimize Image ALT tag with your keyword. It is always a good idea to save the image name with the keyword and upload them on the server with the same name. Also attach necessary ALT tag to the image, so Google can understand what the image depicts. Remember, Google is blind, and you need to supply information to Google to understand the image. Moreover, try to provide a wrap up text to explain what the image is all about. This will increase the relevancy as well.


13. Sitemap Submission
Submit your site to the major search engines. Create an XML site map and make sure the search engines can find your site map. Use Google’s webmaster’s tools to verify your sitemap is being read correctly:

14. HTML Sitemap
Creating an HTML sitemap is an essential part of your SEO endeavors. This confirms you that search engine crawlers are crawling the site properly.
15. Avoid DHTML and Excessive HTML
Search Engines can’t read DHTML menus quite easily, so avoid them in your menu. Also, try to maintain HTML to text ratio. Having too many HTML makes the ratio high which is often undesired. Make sure you provided meaningful insight in each and every paragraph and/or article by providing more text.
16. Avoid Major Content in PDF or Flash
Publish your content in HTML format instead of Adobe PDF and Flash. Valuable content that is locked in these formats cannot be easily crawled and indexed.
17. Robots.txt
Make sure your robots.txt file is configured correctly to include and exclude the appropriate directories and files on your website. This file instructs search engines that which portion of your site is not accessible to search engines. Often people misunderstand these concepts which results in duplicate content or the description is unavailable due to robots.txt configuration.
Off Page Optimization
18. Use Social Media Effectively
Market your content on various social networks and media. Try various titles and descriptions that can engage users with your online venture. Initially, target twitter, Facebook, Google+, Stumble Upon, LinkedIn and Reddit. Google is now giving more importance to social media signals to rank website. Now is the time to utilize social media platform and turn the tale in your favor.
19. Generate Quality Backlinks
There are various techniques to generate backlinks. Guest post on other high authority site from same niche, Commenting on the posts related to your site content, Forum Posting and many more techniques are there which should be used moderetly to gain more trust. Well, backlink is itself a big chapter and can cover tons of pages, but we do not want to go that route for the moment.
Please note that Google introduced an update called Penguin to penalize the overly optimized sites, which means that those sites which are having spam backlinks and using black hat backlink techniques.  I will explain you in detail  how it will identify the spammers, see if there is a site on Diabetes (Health Niche) and the site site owner purchased a bulk of backlinks for the anchor text “diabetes symptoms in children” to rank for that keyword.
This can get a red flag and can get  penalty because if that is a genuine quality site/article then there should be lot of variations in the anchor test linking to that particular page, because it is a common sense that not everybody in the world will link to the exact anchor text right ?  … Yes, that is not at all possible :)because they may link to that via various anchor texts like
  • diabetes signs and symptoms in children
  • diabetes in children
  • children and diabetes : signs and symptoms
  • what are the symptoms in children with type 2 diabetes
  • type 1 diabetes symptoms in children and adults
People (SEOs) even identified alternatives for this as well to spam Google which I am not interested in discussing publicly and if you are interested in knowing them then you can contact me :)

20. Use Google Analytics
Install Google Analytics on your website. If you’ve already done this, use the data from: Traffic Sources > Keywords to find additional keywords you may want to optimize.
21. Keyword tracking
Tracking your major campaign and keywords in the Google will give you clear information about your efforts. It’s therefore very necessary to keep track of your entire keyword ranking. For this purpose, you can use free and paid tools available online. Even, you can manually track the keyword in the Google. Hopefully, the above SEO tips will help you to start your venture in 2013. Make sure you follow each and every one of them closely.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Instant approves dofollow Social Bookmarking site List 2013

Hi Everyone!

Recently I have updated on my post. I removed plenty of spam comment on my posts. So, be cautious.
Social Bookmarking site is a nice source to elevate the traffic, enlarge the visibility and gain revenue from your sites & blogs. You will get tons more traffic in the event you submit your site by hand. Social Bookmarking always promotes not only to your favorites sites but also basically promote your site link to other social media.

Social Bookmarking site List 2013
Social Bookmarking site List 2013

You may like most of valuable Instant approves dofollow Social Bookmarking site List 2013 and instant approve social bookmarkingsites. 

125 High PR Social Bookmarking/News Sites You Should Consider

  1.  Backflip: Backflip is a free service currently being run by volunteers. Backflip was started in 1999 by Netscape veterans Tim Hickman and Chris Misner. As a research device, Backflip is clearly of value to the schooling community, and that community (or at least positive segments) has definitely embraced Backflip. A Google search of sites that contain the term “” leads to numerous education-related links, including Teacher Tools.

  1. barksbookmarks : BARKS=BookmARKS is a website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control.
  2. BibSonomy :BibSonomy is run by the Knowledge Data Engineering Group of the University of Kassel, Germany. Its specifically designed for researchers, in sharing bookmarks and bibliographies
  3. Blinklist :A social bookmarking site launched by Mindvalley. According to their site, they launch several web businesses a year and are focused in 3 areas. – Technology, media and Marketing. BlinkList does have a user friendly interface indicating that its being run well and efficiently. They also quote “fully profitable” on their site. Furthermore, you can label and comment about any web page on the Internet.
  4. Blipoo :Meet Blipoo, a social bookmarking site for “cool” people sharing “cool” stories. It claims to help bloggers drive more traffic to their blog because they allow self promotion..
  5. BlogBookMark : Designed specifically for Blog hunters, claims to have the hottest news, gossip, and blog chatter from around the web. I highly sugggest that mainstream bloggers bookmark their entires here.
  6. BlueDot : This basic social networking service allows users to save and share bookmarks.
  7. blurpalicious : Get Blurped! Not too different from other social bookmarks, but I love the tagline.
  8. Bmaccess : Social bookmarking with thumbs :)
  9. Bookkit : is an absolutely free web service designed to facilitate bookmark (favorites) management needs.
  10. BookMarkAll : Bookmarkall is an online bookmark community where users can create, organize and share their favorite web links online and access them anywhere.
  11. Bookmark-manager : Organizer for bookmarks, calendar, diary and knowledge.
  12. bookmarktracker : Free online storage, management, synchronizing and RSS sharing of your bookmarks.
  13. Bookmax : You can store your bookmarks and links to your favorite sites online and access them from wherever you are : basic Social Bookmarking.
  14. Buddymarks : The online personal, group and social bookmarks manager.
  15. Bukmark : Bukmark is a social bookmarking website.
  16. Chipmark :Another basic social bookmarking site.
  17. Citeulike : A free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading.
  18. Claimid : Manage your online identity. Although this is not a normal social bookmarking site, users can bookmark sites which reference their identity and build backlinks in this fashion.
  19. Clipclip : Clipclip allows you to save images and text, with a “bookmarklet”.
  20. Cloudytags : A unique word analyzer connects to your page, gets all the words and suggest you the real tags your site is showing to the world.
  21. Complore : Derived from com-(with,together) and explore-(search, research). As the name suggests, complore is a vision to connect people from diverse backgrounds
  22. Connectedy : Lets you establish a personal link directory online. As you surf the web, you collect links, categorize them in a way that makes sense to you.
  23. Connotea : Social bookmarking (for researchers).
  24. Contentpop : It has the latest Web 2.0 features such as social bookmarking, blogging & RSS. It also uses the word POP in the title which means it must be good.
  25. coRank : coRank is a site where you can share whatever you find interesting on the web with people who value your opinion
  26. Crowdfound : CrowdFound is essentially a social bookmarking website, but with a different vision in mind
  27. : Store, share and tag your favourite links. Open source clone of with private bookmarking, tagging, blogging, and notes
  28. : THE social bookmarking site : It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links and to categorize those sites with keywords. Not to mention that if enough people save your site in a bookmark, it will make their popular page and send a lot of traffic. Delicious is owned by Yahoo and is a MUST for your social media and bookmarking strategy.
  29. Diigo : Social bookmarking on steroids.
  1. Digg : The social news site that changed the Internet, Digg is a high power authority and a listing in Digg for a site, even if it only has a couple of votes, will rank highly on Google and other search engines for certain terms. If your site is shared and voted upon on Digg, and makes the Digg homepage, you’ll get a lot of traffic and attention from other bloggers who read Digg.
  2. Dropjack : is a social content website and owned by the ExactSeek company.
  3. Easybm : Allows users to bookmark their frequently visited sites on their private page, allowing 1-click access to their favorite web sites.
  4. Enroll : Social bookmarking system based in India.
  5. ez4u : Social Bookmarking – Ez4u to Bookmark : “Ez4u to Organize Ez4u to Share with Others Ez4u to Remember”
  6. Favoor : Favoor is your personalized new start page. Collect your favorite internet addresses.
  7. Folkd : Folkd is a social web-service about pages, news, audios, videos and blogs.
  8. Freelink : provides free pages of links that you can access anywhere at anytime.
  9. Freezilla : FreeZilla claims to be the first Web 2.0 freebies and promotions social networking site.
  10. Fungow : Fungow was designed to help better organize and keep track of your bookmarks.
  1. Furl : Like Delicious, LookSmart’s is one of the first social bookmarking sites and considered an authority by the major search engines. Listing your sites in Furl will lead to traffic from organic rankings and its popular page drives traffic.
  2. Gather : Gather is a place to contribute articles and content, blog, tag and connect with people who share your passions. (Plus you can link out from the articles in this authority site).
  3. Getboo : is yet another free online bookmarking service which allows you to store, edit and retrieve your bookmarks from anywhere online.
  4. Google : Allows users to save and create bookmarks in their Google toolbar that can be accessed anywhere online. Google is getting more social by the day, so take advantage of their Google Bookamrks and citations, because one day they probably will have some kind of influence on external meta data considered by the Google ranking algortihm.
  5. Hanzoweb : Hanzoweb – Bookmark, tag & share knowledge online
  6. Hyperlinkomatic : Hyperlinkomatic – bookmark list manager.
  1. : offers a free service which allows you to save your favorite website/links at one location that can be accessed from anywhere.
  2. Icio : Danish Bookmarking engine.
  3. Ikeepbookmarks : Popup feature allows you to add links while surfing the web
  4. Iloggo : Simple web based bookmarking tool that you can use for attractively displaying your favorite websites on one page.
  5. Jigg : is a socializing community with the latest stories / news submitted by users and has a familiar name :)
  6. Kaboodle : Kaboodle is a 2.0 shopping community where people recommend and discover new things.
  7. Kinja : Kinja is a blog guide, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web.
  8. Lifelogger : “LifeLogger is a great way to keep things that matter to you alive and sparkling.” And worth considering in a bookmarking campaign.
  9. Lilsto : Lilisto lets you store, manage and find your favorite links (or bookmarks) and removes the need to maintain them through your browser.
  10. Linkagogo : Favorites and Social Bookmarking Application, its unique dynamic toolbars automatically adapt themselves.
  11. Linkarena : German Social Bookmarking site.
  12. Linksnarf : Social link sharing with groups of friends.
  13. Listerlister :ListerLister is a social list building community where you can create, add to, and vote for both lists and the items added to them.
  1. : Like Furl and Delicious, anoter major bookmarking site which lets users organize bookmarks, search other people’s favorites and make friends and contacts.
  2. Markaboo : MarkaBoo is tool for saving websites, files, and notes from your browser, email or mobile phone.
  3. Marktd : Marktd is a reference & voting system that highlights marketing articles considered valuable by the marketing community.
  4. Memfrag : memFrag stores your favorites personal notes, making them globally accessible from any computer.
  5. Memotoo :Lets users centralize and share your personal data.
  6. Mister Wong : Mister Wong is a social bookmarking site that originated in Germany, and has since become a popular and widespread tool.
  7. Mixx : An up and coming bookmarking and social news sharing network which should rival Digg, Reddit and others, Mixx blends popular photos, videos and stories.
  8. Mobleo : Allows you to easily add, organize, and share your mobile phone bookmarks with your friends using your desktop computer.
  1. Multiply :Florida-based social network Multiply, which reports nearly 3 million users and $6 million in funding,opened its social bookmarking site recently and has done well. Definite authority :)
  2. Murl : My URLs is a free online bookmarks manager, think of it as a bookmarks community.
  3. MyBookmarks : MyBookmarks – access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere. Free productivity tool for business, student or personal use. Another popular bookmarking site.
  4. Myhq : Store your bookmarks in one central location. Fast, text-based, banner free!
  5. MyLinkVault : A free online bookmark manager. Other bookmark managers can be so clumsy to use – trying to rearrange your bookmarks can be slow and frustrating.
  6. mySiteVote : mySiteVote is a community where you can vote your favorite site/s and view how popular a site is.
  7. MyWebDesktop : A collaboration and communication tool, designed to be as generic and easy to use as a telephone and email.
  8. Newsvine : The mission of Newsvine is to bring together big and little media in a way which respects established journalism
  9. Newsweight :NewsWeight is a democratic news, information, and entertainment resource.
  10. Oyax : Oyax is a social bookmark manager which allows users to easily add sites you like to personal collection of links, categorize those sites with keywords.
  11. Philoi : Person-to-person link sharing community. Save bookmarks and share links with your friends.
  12. PlugIM : PlugIM is a user driven internet marketing community. Submit content, share articles, comment on projects and promote your favorites to the front page
  1. Propeller : Formaly known as Netscape, AOL’s Propeller has become a great social bookmarking news community tool which is considered an ultimate authority by Yahoo Search and passes link juice in its news story profiles. Propeller is also going to redesign very soon, which should be quite exciting.
  2. QuickieClick : QuickieClick is a second generation social bookmarking website with a visual twist.
  3. Rambhai : An Indian social bookmarking community
  4. RawSugar : A social search engine powered by user contributions. Its an online community, with over 130,000 URLs already tagged by their members.
  5. Reddit : Timely and shocking news oriented, Reddit stories are instantly voted upon and if liked by the community as a whole, can drive incredible traffic and users.
  1. Searchles : Owned by the DumbFind search engine, in my opinion Searchles is a much overlooked bookmarking tool and loved by Google, Yahoo and the other major search engines with its passing of link juice and high rankings for terms within search results themselves. Do not overlook Searchles.
  2. Segnalo : Italian Social bookmarking site.
  3. Simpy [late addition]: Social bookmarking & search, Simpy lets users “save, tag, search and share bookmarks, notes, groups and more.”
  4. Sitebar : A solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them
  5. Sitejot :Free online bookmark manager. Like every other social bookmarking site, it allows users to manage all of their bookmarks online in one convenient place.
  1. Sk*rt : sk*rt is a social media ranking platform of “pure goodness”, targeted towards women. Given the right story, Sk*rt can send A LOT of targeted traffic.
  2. Slashdot : The godfather of social news, SlashDot bookmarks are still quite powerful .. keep in mind the site has a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
  3. SocialDanger : SocialDanger is a Web 2.0 open source content management system.
  4. Socialogs : A Digg-like Social Bookmarking Service.
  5. Sphinn : Very popular search marketing oriented social news and discussion site run via the Pligg system.
  6. Spotback : Spotback is a personalized rating system that recommends relevant content based on personal rating history using collaborative filtering
  7. Spurl : Another cherished bookmarking and tagging site, Spurl lets users keep online bookmarks & tags while offering full text searching, recommendations & storing of entire documents.
  8. Squidoo :Kind of spammed out, Squidoo is a 2.0 property which lets people and businesses set up a ‘lens’ which lists links, tags and relevant RSS feeds to different subjects.
  9. Startaid : I’ve noticed that StartAid bookmark pages rank highly in Google and other search engines. This basic bookmarking service allows users to describe, tag and categorize sites.
  10. StumbleUpon : Owned by eBay, StumbleUpon is an amazing blend of social bookmarking, voting, networking, web surfing, search and blogging. Best of all, StumbleUpon can send major traffic with its userbase of around 3 million users.
  11. Stylehive : The Stylehive is a collection of all the best products, brands, designers and stores discovered and tagged by the Hive community
  12. Syncone : SyncOne is an Internet aggregator of bookmarking and browsing.
  13. Tagfacts : Basic bookmarking and tagging, a social knowledge base.
  14. Taggly : Store, share and tag your favorite links.
  15. Tagne : is user-submitted, community voted links and resources related to SEO, Blogging, RSS, Tagging, Internet Marketing and more.
  16. Tagtooga : Says that this bookmarking engine can be used to discover great sites difficult to find in Google/Yahoo by browsing categories.
  17. Tagza : A very young Social Bookmarking site mostly being used by Indian and Pakistani web masters.
  18. Technorati : Always changing and reinventing themselves, this recognized authority offers links to blogposts, tagging and a social bookmarking WTF section.
  19. Tedigo : Personal and social bookmarking in Spanish and English made simple.
  20. Thinkpocket : Lets users pocket websites you find valuable. It is a web service that aims to help store, organize and share your favorite sites
  21. Thoof : Thoof is a user generated news and information service that claims to learn about what users are interested in and delivers news that they care about.
  22. Totalpad : TotalPad is a new online news and article community where people are free to voice their opinions
  23. Urlex : With URLex system users are able to leave a comment regarding any internet link on any site. Possibly good for linking :)
  24. Uvouch : Another basic social bookmarking site, users can save their findings with one click, at one place and access it from anywhere.
  25. Vmark : An online bookmark and online favorites manager.
  26. Voteboat : VoteBoat is a user-controlled rating and voting site.
  27. Votelists : VoteLists lets users create a list of rankable items. Other can add items, comment on them, rate them and more!
  28. Vuju : Vuju allows user to submit/publish content which can be tagged and promoted.
  29. WeTogether : Social bookmarking site where people will have great opportunities to promote their own sites.
  30. Whitelinks : Securely store and quickly access favorite websites whenever connected to the Internet,:
  31. Wink : A social search engine where users can share results and answer questions. Users build profiles which can link out to bookmark pages or other web sites (hint hint).:
  32. Wirefan : Social bookmarking, news articles submission site.:
  33. Xilinus : Organize and manage bookmarks online.:
  34. Xlmark : xlmark is an easy social bookmarking site:
  1. Yahoo! Bookmarks: The MOST POPULAR social search and bookmarking service on the web. It’s similar to Delicious and something they launched before acquiring Delicious. Yahoo Bookmarks lets users store bookmarks using their Yahoo Toolbar and access them from any computer.
  2. Yattle: Bookmark Management and Mini-Blogging Service. >> Thanks by _ Rubel SBS